Welcome to my "Adventures From Karen's Clinic" website. This particular adventure is the marriage of two personal loves - massage therapy and cartooning. I have been a Registered Massage Therapist since 2001 and have been drawing cartoons as long as I can remember. By combining these two passions, I created a comic strip based on the funny, sometimes crazy things that happen in the massage therapy world.
My website holds the comic strips I originally created just for other RMTs and to be published in a massage therapy magazine, but so many clients and friends appreciated them, I'm making them available to everyone. I've printed them out in the form of postcards which can be purchased in bundles. RMTs use them for "Next Appointment Reminders" while others just use them as regular postcards.
I also create cartoons on commission so if there is someone you would like to give a cartoon for a birthday, wedding, anniversary or any other special occasion, just contact me at karen.munro.caple@gmail.com. I'd be happy to discuss ideas and prices.